Saturday, August 24, 2013

T-Minus 2 Days 'Til Takeoff

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go... Jus two 1.5 short days until eM (proper introduction to the world: my boyfriend) and I leave for Cancun woop woop!! 

This is my first and his second time there, but it is our first trip with just the two of us.  Let's see if we are able to stand each other for 7 nights straight!  
Our schedule is completely packed with seeing the ruins, zip lining, underground cave explorations, Casa cenote, flamingo watching, ATV, jet skiing, and of course the beach!

Seeing that the costs were quickly accumulating, initially I decided against buying new bikinis...and here's the BIG BUT: a VS catalog mistakenly delivered to eM's place was innocently sitting on his dining table until I pointed at the model in her bikini and said "Oh look that's so pretty!"  He said, "Maybe you should get a couple?" And so it started.  A few days later I ended up with three new bikinis.  Lucky for me, they were in large sponsored by eM, what a sweetie. 

Where would you like to travel to next?  What was your favorite destination? 


  1. Besides the bumpy start, and the annoying baby, and well everything else :) it looks like such a wonderful trip!! that place is amazing!

    1. Yes the place made the trip just that much more amazing! Thanks for stopping by, I love your blog it is just So inspirational!
